The four simple words in this video say it all: get your sh*t together.
Think about it. When are you at your best and now wallowing? When you stop putting off important stuff. When you actually act. Instead of staying in your comfort bubble and avoiding what you know needs to be dealt with, deal with it NOW. Carve time and put some laser focus on your problem. Forge a plan. Make a move. And JUST ACT. If it doesn’t work from there, simply adjust and keep adjusting until it does work.
In summary, stop putting things off, get your sh*t together and move. Not maybe later. Not next week or next month or next quarter or someday. Just get it together. NOW.
Eric Greene is a success/executive coach + team facilitator at the Greenehouse ( Work smarter. Lead better. Stress less. Have more fun doing it. And kick way more ass along the way.